Midsummer Manifestation Ritual
Make a list of everything you wish to manifest during the next six months.
Be complete -- include things related to career, personal issues, and other factors like clarity, confidence, and fun. After sunset, light a candle of your choice. Place a vase of flowers you like next to the candle.
Say aloud:
"I gather in the power of this day of greatest light and call in the guardians of fire, earth, air, and water to bring the last grace of power in light to manifest my desires in the coming harvest. I ask that this be
Read aloud your list
"I affirm that I am able and willing to allow these wishes to manifest and I participate in the miracle of
creation and with faith. So mote it be."
Allow the candle to burn until you go to sleep. Celebrate the energy of the evening in some way --play music, raise a glass, allow yourself some indulgence.
Begin by casting a circle. Now stand before your altar and say the following or similar: "Great God of the sun, I have come here this day to honor you in your strength, for I know that now is the time of your greatest power."
Midsummer Ritual
Raise your Wand or Athame towards the sun and say the following or similar: "Great father God, Great mother Goddess, come into my heart, and purify me. Smite the evil in my soul, just as your magickal love purges the evil from all things."
Visualize the energy of the sun flowing into your athame, and into you. See it clean any impurities that exist in you. Feel it as it cleans you. Once you have finished reflecting on the God and Goddess' purification of you, move to the south side of you circle (the direction of fire) and light a (small) ritual fire. Now say the following or similar: "Great horned father, may this fire burn in representation of your greatness."
Meditate for a while (while staring into the flames) on the sun, and all it does for us. Once you have meditated, you should allow yourself some time to commune with the gods. Just open your mind to them and let them speak to you. If you like you can thank them and tell them what midsummer means to you. Or you can just lay there in silence and know that they are watching. Once you are done, thank the gods for watching over you.The ritual part of this rite is over, however, midsummer & midsummer's night are probably the best times to perform magick. Any spells cast during this time are likely to be vastly more powerful than when cast at other times. If you do not have any particular thing to cast a spell for, then perhaps now would be the best time to cast a spell that ensures happiness for you over the coming winter months. Think hard about it, because this opportunity comes but once a year.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Litha Countdown: Hail, Ra, the Sun God!
Litha is approaching, and it's the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, when the sun is at its highest -- and it's a good time to look at some of the gods of the solar realm. To the ancient Egyptians, Ra was the ruler of the heavens. He was the god of the sun, the bringer of light, and patron to the pharaohs. According to legend, the sun travels the skies as Ra drives his chariot through the heavens. Although he originally was associated only with the midday sun, as time went by, Ra became connected to the sun's presence all day long. He was the commander of not only the sky, but the earth and the underworld as well: Who Was Ra?
Source: About.com
Source: Pagan News
Source: About.com
Litha is the Summer Solstice. It occurs on or about the 21st of June, when the Sun enters zero degrees Cancer, thereby marking MidSummer. On this longest day of the year, the Sun God is at the peak of his power. Like Samhain, Litha is a day when the boundaries between the worlds are thin, when mortals have strange experiences, and when otherworlders travel in our plane. Litha is also the traditional time of year to harvest your herbs and flowers, especially St. John's wort, either to hang in your home as protection or to tie onto the wicker man as a symbol of a wish that you want carried into the next world. Ideally, you should cut your herbs with a scythe or boline, by moonlight, and chant the appropriate purpose for which each plant will be used. Leave an offering for the rest of the plant, don't harvest more than a third of the plant - the rest will remain healthy and vigorous. Beltane was the festival of union between the God and Goddess, and so it was seen as unlucky to mar...
[READ MORE]Source: Pagan News
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