Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Using you subconscious to help with your spell work

Our brains operate on two levels - conscious and subconscious. 

Your conscious mind deals with day to day stuff like speech and movement.

Your subconscious mind is the more powerful level which controls things like your heart beat, breathing and reflexes.

It is also the link to your spirit and your inner energy and power.

Studies have shown that different combinations of brainwave frequencies can cause specific reactions in the brain.

By listening to specially crafted music and sounds, you can "tune" your brain into a particular frequency to stimulate your sub-conscious.

These sounds are called "Binaural beats".

But how does this all relate to magic and witchcraft? Well...

It's all about using the power of your mind to help you achieve your goals.

By tuning your brain and stimulating certain innate abilities, you can unlock the hidden power of your subconscious mind...

Which means greater magic, stronger power and more effective spells, along with a whole host of other incredible effects.

So here's that resource I wanted to share:


What are the sort of things you can achieve using binaural beats?

+ Astral Projection
+ Past Life Regression
+ Remote Viewing
+ Spirit Guidance
+ Increased Energy
+ Lucid Dreaming
+ Chakra Tuning
+ And much much more...

It's all explained at the link above. You can even get free samples to try out and feel the effects immediately.

You are already using magic to achieve your life goals, and now you can use a combination of magic and binaural beats for greater success.

Binaural beats fill a gap in what magic can achieve on its own, and they perfectly complement spells to help you achieve your goals and experience a genuine shift in consciousness.

Check out the link and the free samples and see for yourself how powerful they are.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

More On Frequencies

The free listening
Click play on each audio player to hear the full albums, and click on the album titles below to learn about each different brainwave entrainment (the links will open in a new window) -

7.83 Hz Schumann Frequency Tune into the frequency of earth – the Schumann Resonance at 7.83 Hz as well as 10 hz to encourage production of “Feel Good” brain chemicals. Also known as the heartbeat of Earth, b benefits of listening include enhanced reading/learning, rejuvenation, grounding, ESP activation, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control and improved stress tolerance. It can also help you feel balanced, grounded, whilst calming and focusing the mind.

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7.5 Hz Spirit Guide – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 7.5 Hz as well as 10.5 Hz for mind/body healing. The 7.5 Hz frequency is said to be perfect to contact spirit guides for direction, as well as creativity, problem solving, awareness of self and purpose, and even help with alcohol and drug addiction.

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6.3 Hz Calm Mind – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 6.3 Hz as well as 12 Hz for stimulating mental clarity and stability. The 6.3 Hz frequency is said to be perfect for reducing anger and irritability, as well as accelerated learning, increased memory retention and even mental and astral projection.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celebrating with the Seasons

From Patti Wigington, your Guide to Paganism / Wiccan
This week, we're talking about the need to attune ourselves to seasonal changes that are unique to our home area - after all, if you're honoring nature, it makes sense to know what's happening around you. Also, a sacred white buffalo is honored by the Lakota, we discuss ritual gone wrong, and there are more updates in the Sedona sweat lodge trial. From the magical email bag, we're talking about how food allergies can impact us during ritual, how to welcome non-Pagans to Pagan celebrations, and what to take with you when you attend a Pagan event. Have a magical week, and don't forget you can Follow Pagan/Wiccan on Twitter or Join Me On Facebook.

Celebrating with the Seasons
A reader says, "You recently posted a bunch of stuff about Litha, and said that everyone's gardens were blooming. Well, you should try to remember that not everyone lives in the same area. Where I am, my garden is just now getting started. I wish you and all the other Pagan writers would try to think of the rest of us who don't live where you do." Well, shoot, you got us. It's all part of a nefarious plot in which we only acknowledge people who live along a particular climate line. On the other hand, it could be that... Read Article

What to Take to a Pagan Festival
It's summer, which means that there are Pagan festivals all over the place right now - pretty much any weekend, in any given area, you can find at least one event you'll want to attend, especially as the various Sabbats role around. Reader Josie Whales wants to know, "I'm going to a weekend-long Pagan campout and I'm really excited, because it's my first one. I know I need to bring a sleeping bag and some food, but what else should I take along with me?" Read Article


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