Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World
Born Edward Alexander Crowley, he is primarily known for his occult writings and teachings. He founded the religion of Thelema, which became adopted by the Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) as well as the magical order Argenteum Astrum, the Order of the Silver Star. He was also a highly controversial member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where he was known by the magical name of Frater Perdurabo.
Crowley’s lifestyle was absolutely shocking in the era in which he lived. Besides his interest in the occult, he was sexually promiscuous with both genders (at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in Britain), frequented prostitutes, was vocally defiant against Christianity and Victorian and post-Victorian prudishness toward sexual subjects, and was a drug addict.
While Crowley detested Christianity, he considered himself an immensely religious and spiritual person. His writings record incidents of experiencing deity, and Thelemites consider him to be a prophet. In 1904, he encountered a being known as Aiwass, described as a “minister” to Horus, the central deity in Thelema, and as a Holy Guardian Angel. Aiwass dictated the Book of the Law, which Crowley wrote down and published, becoming the central Thelemic text.
Crowley’s beliefs included pursuing the Great Work, which included gaining self-knowledge and uniting with the larger universe. He also encouraged seeking out one’s ultimate destiny or purpose, commonly referred to as one’s True Will. (Excerpt
Aleister Crowley – The Wickedest Man in the World
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Do you want to take the blue pill or the red pill?
Some teachers of the Golden Dawn community try to make you believe That the Golden Dawn was a hoax and That ITS founders were fraudulent. It HAS Been Proposed That The Reason That the Golden Dawn Tradition Actually does work (Which is Indisputable) Is that the Magical CurrentVersion somehow succeeded to Be Transmitted Into ITS egregore Despite of ITS founders, Note Because of Them. These modern teachers Tries to Make You Believe That SL MacGregor Mathers was guided by some unconscious genius That happened to manifest the beautiful magical system of the RR et AC ( Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis ) , just by chance. Just like that! This situation May be likened to the stage magician (illusionist) WHO suddently Succeed in Creating a true miracle, true magic, without HIM knowing what Actually Happened. But as a student, for your own spiritual benefit and sanity, it is in fact important to Choose a tradition and an Egregore That is based upon the real tradition and upon Actual Truth. Fraud and Deceit May create serious damage to your spritual progression, unbeknown to you. You Will Become Aware Of It, But Then It Is Perhaps to late to save yourself. Even if you pursuit your path the greatest seriousness and earnest truth, if your teacher or spiritual Ancestor is a liar and a fraud, this Will bring you serious karmic Consequences. So, my dear reader (and I take it that you are a student of the Golden Dawn if you are reading this blog on a regular basis), You Have to make a choice. Perhaps this is one your most important choice in your Entire spiritual quest. You are now standing on the crossroads. The left-hand path lead you to Pursue the FOLLOWING worldview and opinions of your own tradition and Towards the ones That helped you in Bringing it forth: MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westocott were bothering fraudulent; together They perpetuated the myth of the Secret Chiefs and That the Order of the Golden Dawn was based upon the true Rosicrucian Tradition. However, They Told Their Initiates lies to gain legitimacy; Actually there were no Secret Chiefs and there were no true lineage to any Rosicrucian Order.There Have Never existed any true Rosicrucian Order As mentioned in the Fama et Confessio Fraternitatis In The First Place. These 17th Century documents were simply written as an ironic satirical commentary on the popular esoteric undercurrents of the European Culture of That Time. In fact Westcott s MacGregor Mathers, or Both, wrote up (as in invented) the Cypher MSS. of the Golden Dawn Tradition. There was absolutely no continental origination to That document as Westcott Stated. MacGregor Mathers created The Entire RR et AC magical system almost single-handedly from his studies of ancient mss. as-contained in the British Library Museum and the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal in France. In no way did he meet any emissary of the Third Order in Paris, calling himself Lux E Tenebrisand That Gave heaven any material, as he boldly claims. All the documents of the RR et AC, the "Rituals" and core documents, etc., were written up (as in created) by Westcott or Mathers (especially the light), Either single-handedly or in co-operation. There is absolutely No Other secret Golden Dawn material That still awaits to be published beyond That Already found in books by Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, RG Torren, Francis X. King, RA Gilbert, Darcy Kuntz, Pat Zalewski, Nick Farrell, et al , at least non of any real Importance, the best materials hock Already Been published and any later material only deteriorated. The system ended at the level of Theoricus Adeptus Minor, or at a stretch at the level of Practicus Adeptus Minor. That's it. There are no Authorities of the Golden Dawn Tradition, and Certainly not any Secret Chiefs walking the earth. Sometimes proficient Adept May Receive some spiritual inspiration (Such as the angelical astral contacts) on the inner planes, but thats is all to it as an external source. There Is No Need for any Temples To Get Initiated Into the Tradition and Especially note any lineage. Anybody Can Be his own Initiate and Teacher and Master. Anyone Can Receive the inner spiritual guidance to Receive instruction. There Forester, You Can Develop the tradition in any direction That You tack. The Golden Dawn Tradition is as an open source document That Can Be tampered with by anyone, and only for the better Because The Founders did not know anyway what They were Dealing with: contemporary student pilot Have more knowledge and information compared to Them. There is no living tradition That Can Be Transmitted. Dress it up for yourself, magic is only in the mind anyway. No magical formula is more important Than any Other; use the System That You find most likable. Use That Which Works For You, You Can choose whatever you want, and if no any results are forth coming soon choose another. Also this counts for any alchemical Teachings. The old medieval alchemist were fools; true alchemy is a spiritual discipline and Does not concern any material Substances. All the alchemical processes and Substances are only metaphors for spiritual development. Only through your own meditation on ITS symbolism May you gain understanding of ITS meanings. There are no external Masters, There Is Only You. On the Other hand, walking the right path goodwill admonish you to nurture the FOLLOWING beliefs Towards your tradition and Its Founders: MacGregor Mathers and Westcott were bothering true Initiates of the Rosicrucian tradition. They were given a legitimate Authorization to open the Temples of the Order of the Golden Dawn. They were bothering taught by teachers and Initiates WHO HAD perpetuated the true Hermetic and Rosicrucian tradition, stemming from European soil. Neither MacGregor Mathers nor Westcott wrote the Cypher MSS. That originated from the true Third Order and changed some hand Until it found ITS Way Into Westcott's. The Third Order is an ancient Fraternity Whose name is a well-guarded secret. It HAS Been amongst but since the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek civilizations and cultures. It did create the Rosicrucian Tradition and was behind the manifesto from the 17th Century, to operate as a true Alchemical vehicle for the Hermetic Tradition. A century later it created the Order of the Golden Dawn and the RR et AC as legitimate vehicles of the true Rosicrucian Tradition. Although Both Westcott and MacGregor Mathers were amongst the great esoteric scholars of Their Generation Do They neither invented the initiatory system of the Golden Dawn, nor the magical system of the RR et AC MacGregor Mathers in fact received in respect of communication and instruction from the real Secret Chiefs In The Flesh, WHO Gave heaven bothering the Adeptus Minor Ritual And The Greater bulk of the RR et AC "Rituals". To be Able to lock up magically the ceremonial system of the Golden Dawn and the RR et AC You Need to Be Initiated into it by a legitimate Temple. You cannot self-Initiate Yourself Into the true Rosicrucian Traditon nor the Hermetc Alchemical systems; only through initiation can you ask Fully Empowered to carry out the practical work. There is a living tradition That Does not Need to be reconstructed. The system May change and grow - Reform Itself - but thats May only be properly carried out with the guidance of the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order. And yes, They (the Secret Chiefs) and Their Secret Third Order is still around and it still guides the occult tradition, not only That Of The Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn is but one petal of the Greater Hermetic Rose. And Its Teachings are only the tip of the ice-mountains, and only on a basic beginners level at that!There exists a true Alchemical Tradition Which Differ greatly from any current modern Revived alchemical practices. The true Western Internal Alchemical tradition, Which is a Occidental That system shares much with Oriental Tantric and Taoist Alchemy, is still a truly esoteric (as the occulted) tradition Which speed Been preserved from ancient times and is still being taught by the Third Order in ITS original and uncorrupted form. It Possess the Keys to Immortality through the proper preparation of the Philosopher's Stone. This knowledge is reserved for Initiates only and is beyond the pale of the Outer World or any published literature. So now my dear reader, and serious student, Which one is it? What pill do you want to take? The blue pill or the red pill? The choice is all yours.Choose with great Discrimination. Whatever pill you choose Will Have great or even grave Consequences. I do not blame you if you take the blue pill. That is the easy path. The Path of the Many. The Path of the Modern conditioned mind. Take the red pill and I will Guarantee you a most Difficult Path That You May Perhaps not persevere through. That path is only for the very few. If You Take It, Be Prepared to recon sider and reorient your Entire modernist worldview and outlook upon it. Prepare to Be shocked by the sheer truth, you May not like it (The Truth). You Will Have To Be Prepared to kill you darlings Of which some are the most dear to you. The true Rosicrucian rose is beautiful in ITS red color but Also one riddled with Thorn. Receive it and There Will Be No turning back. You May sting yourself upon it. Are you Prepared?Are you Prepared to Become a true prophet and an EqualLogic amongst demi-goods? Are you Prepared to Stand In The Presence Of The Immortal Ones? S ∴ R ∴
"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. " - Morpheus
Some teachers of the Golden Dawn community try to make you believe That the Golden Dawn was a hoax and That ITS founders were fraudulent. It HAS Been Proposed That The Reason That the Golden Dawn Tradition Actually does work (Which is Indisputable) Is that the Magical CurrentVersion somehow succeeded to Be Transmitted Into ITS egregore Despite of ITS founders, Note Because of Them. These modern teachers Tries to Make You Believe That SL MacGregor Mathers was guided by some unconscious genius That happened to manifest the beautiful magical system of the RR et AC ( Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis ) , just by chance. Just like that! This situation May be likened to the stage magician (illusionist) WHO suddently Succeed in Creating a true miracle, true magic, without HIM knowing what Actually Happened. But as a student, for your own spiritual benefit and sanity, it is in fact important to Choose a tradition and an Egregore That is based upon the real tradition and upon Actual Truth. Fraud and Deceit May create serious damage to your spritual progression, unbeknown to you. You Will Become Aware Of It, But Then It Is Perhaps to late to save yourself. Even if you pursuit your path the greatest seriousness and earnest truth, if your teacher or spiritual Ancestor is a liar and a fraud, this Will bring you serious karmic Consequences. So, my dear reader (and I take it that you are a student of the Golden Dawn if you are reading this blog on a regular basis), You Have to make a choice. Perhaps this is one your most important choice in your Entire spiritual quest. You are now standing on the crossroads. The left-hand path lead you to Pursue the FOLLOWING worldview and opinions of your own tradition and Towards the ones That helped you in Bringing it forth: MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westocott were bothering fraudulent; together They perpetuated the myth of the Secret Chiefs and That the Order of the Golden Dawn was based upon the true Rosicrucian Tradition. However, They Told Their Initiates lies to gain legitimacy; Actually there were no Secret Chiefs and there were no true lineage to any Rosicrucian Order.There Have Never existed any true Rosicrucian Order As mentioned in the Fama et Confessio Fraternitatis In The First Place. These 17th Century documents were simply written as an ironic satirical commentary on the popular esoteric undercurrents of the European Culture of That Time. In fact Westcott s MacGregor Mathers, or Both, wrote up (as in invented) the Cypher MSS. of the Golden Dawn Tradition. There was absolutely no continental origination to That document as Westcott Stated. MacGregor Mathers created The Entire RR et AC magical system almost single-handedly from his studies of ancient mss. as-contained in the British Library Museum and the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal in France. In no way did he meet any emissary of the Third Order in Paris, calling himself Lux E Tenebrisand That Gave heaven any material, as he boldly claims. All the documents of the RR et AC, the "Rituals" and core documents, etc., were written up (as in created) by Westcott or Mathers (especially the light), Either single-handedly or in co-operation. There is absolutely No Other secret Golden Dawn material That still awaits to be published beyond That Already found in books by Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, RG Torren, Francis X. King, RA Gilbert, Darcy Kuntz, Pat Zalewski, Nick Farrell, et al , at least non of any real Importance, the best materials hock Already Been published and any later material only deteriorated. The system ended at the level of Theoricus Adeptus Minor, or at a stretch at the level of Practicus Adeptus Minor. That's it. There are no Authorities of the Golden Dawn Tradition, and Certainly not any Secret Chiefs walking the earth. Sometimes proficient Adept May Receive some spiritual inspiration (Such as the angelical astral contacts) on the inner planes, but thats is all to it as an external source. There Is No Need for any Temples To Get Initiated Into the Tradition and Especially note any lineage. Anybody Can Be his own Initiate and Teacher and Master. Anyone Can Receive the inner spiritual guidance to Receive instruction. There Forester, You Can Develop the tradition in any direction That You tack. The Golden Dawn Tradition is as an open source document That Can Be tampered with by anyone, and only for the better Because The Founders did not know anyway what They were Dealing with: contemporary student pilot Have more knowledge and information compared to Them. There is no living tradition That Can Be Transmitted. Dress it up for yourself, magic is only in the mind anyway. No magical formula is more important Than any Other; use the System That You find most likable. Use That Which Works For You, You Can choose whatever you want, and if no any results are forth coming soon choose another. Also this counts for any alchemical Teachings. The old medieval alchemist were fools; true alchemy is a spiritual discipline and Does not concern any material Substances. All the alchemical processes and Substances are only metaphors for spiritual development. Only through your own meditation on ITS symbolism May you gain understanding of ITS meanings. There are no external Masters, There Is Only You. On the Other hand, walking the right path goodwill admonish you to nurture the FOLLOWING beliefs Towards your tradition and Its Founders: MacGregor Mathers and Westcott were bothering true Initiates of the Rosicrucian tradition. They were given a legitimate Authorization to open the Temples of the Order of the Golden Dawn. They were bothering taught by teachers and Initiates WHO HAD perpetuated the true Hermetic and Rosicrucian tradition, stemming from European soil. Neither MacGregor Mathers nor Westcott wrote the Cypher MSS. That originated from the true Third Order and changed some hand Until it found ITS Way Into Westcott's. The Third Order is an ancient Fraternity Whose name is a well-guarded secret. It HAS Been amongst but since the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek civilizations and cultures. It did create the Rosicrucian Tradition and was behind the manifesto from the 17th Century, to operate as a true Alchemical vehicle for the Hermetic Tradition. A century later it created the Order of the Golden Dawn and the RR et AC as legitimate vehicles of the true Rosicrucian Tradition. Although Both Westcott and MacGregor Mathers were amongst the great esoteric scholars of Their Generation Do They neither invented the initiatory system of the Golden Dawn, nor the magical system of the RR et AC MacGregor Mathers in fact received in respect of communication and instruction from the real Secret Chiefs In The Flesh, WHO Gave heaven bothering the Adeptus Minor Ritual And The Greater bulk of the RR et AC "Rituals". To be Able to lock up magically the ceremonial system of the Golden Dawn and the RR et AC You Need to Be Initiated into it by a legitimate Temple. You cannot self-Initiate Yourself Into the true Rosicrucian Traditon nor the Hermetc Alchemical systems; only through initiation can you ask Fully Empowered to carry out the practical work. There is a living tradition That Does not Need to be reconstructed. The system May change and grow - Reform Itself - but thats May only be properly carried out with the guidance of the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order. And yes, They (the Secret Chiefs) and Their Secret Third Order is still around and it still guides the occult tradition, not only That Of The Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn is but one petal of the Greater Hermetic Rose. And Its Teachings are only the tip of the ice-mountains, and only on a basic beginners level at that!There exists a true Alchemical Tradition Which Differ greatly from any current modern Revived alchemical practices. The true Western Internal Alchemical tradition, Which is a Occidental That system shares much with Oriental Tantric and Taoist Alchemy, is still a truly esoteric (as the occulted) tradition Which speed Been preserved from ancient times and is still being taught by the Third Order in ITS original and uncorrupted form. It Possess the Keys to Immortality through the proper preparation of the Philosopher's Stone. This knowledge is reserved for Initiates only and is beyond the pale of the Outer World or any published literature. So now my dear reader, and serious student, Which one is it? What pill do you want to take? The blue pill or the red pill? The choice is all yours.Choose with great Discrimination. Whatever pill you choose Will Have great or even grave Consequences. I do not blame you if you take the blue pill. That is the easy path. The Path of the Many. The Path of the Modern conditioned mind. Take the red pill and I will Guarantee you a most Difficult Path That You May Perhaps not persevere through. That path is only for the very few. If You Take It, Be Prepared to recon sider and reorient your Entire modernist worldview and outlook upon it. Prepare to Be shocked by the sheer truth, you May not like it (The Truth). You Will Have To Be Prepared to kill you darlings Of which some are the most dear to you. The true Rosicrucian rose is beautiful in ITS red color but Also one riddled with Thorn. Receive it and There Will Be No turning back. You May sting yourself upon it. Are you Prepared?Are you Prepared to Become a true prophet and an EqualLogic amongst demi-goods? Are you Prepared to Stand In The Presence Of The Immortal Ones? S ∴ R ∴
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Alchemy Prosperity Spell (Blood/Harvest Moon)
Gather together a sheet of green paper, a pen, a pinch of salt, a match, a thermometer with mercury, and a rubber band.
At midnight, draw a magick circle and call in the elemental powers. On the sheet of paper, draw an equilateral (equal-sided) triangle. Write the word Mercury above the top point of the triangle. Write the word Sulfur next to the right point of the triangle, and write the word Salt next to the left point. Put the salt, match (unlit) and thermometer on top of the triangle. Fold the paper in half, and then roll it up ( salt, match, and thermometer included) into a scroll. Secure the rolled scroll with the rubber band. Hold the scroll in your power hand and say three times:
“At this midnight, moonlight hour
By the alchemy of salt, sulfur, and mercury
Please bring me prosperity, blessed be!”
Brainstorm for at least thirty minutes as to how you can draw more prosperity into your life. Allow the magician within to come out and wave her or his wand to financial success. In your journal, write how you can blend magick with directed thought and action to manifest your goals. Remember to give yourself plenty of time than you think. Things that seem improbable or impossible just take a little bit long yet. When you are finished, bid farewell to the Elements and pull up the circle. Put the scroll on your altar for a moon cycle to draw prosperity to you.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Samhain Remembrance Ritual
Samhain Remembrance RitualTraditionally, Samhain is the most magical time of the year. Samhain predates the Roman feast of the Dead, Lemuria, and All Hallow's Eve - the eve of the Christian holiday to honor the saints, All Saint's Day. The secular holiday today is known as Halloween. All of these festivals, though called by different names, are celebration of the awe, communication with, and respect of the dead.It is a time when the veil that separates us from the Other World is at its thinnest. It is a time to celebrate Past, Present and Future. The Samahain Remembrance Ritual was written for use on this special day. You may want to use it to honor loved ones who have passed away, or to celebrate the union of past, present and future. | |
The items you will need are:
Prepare your altar: Put all the items on your clean altar. Put the black candle in a brass or silver candle holder, have the matches close by. Place the candle in the center of the altar. Arrange the stones in a circle around the candle. Place the wine and plate of food to the right outside the circle of stones. You may place photos of loved ones who have passed away on the altar if you want to honor them in this ritual. Flowers, greenery or a small pumpkin can also be used to give a festive feeling to your altar. When everything is arranged take a moment of silence to ready yourself. Light your candle and while doing so, ask for Blessings from your favorite Celtic God or Goddess: "Goddess, I ask for your blessings,Now pick up the crystal stone and pass it over the fire, saying: Reveal the mystery; sight unblindPlace the crystal back on the altar. Next, pass the turquoise over the fire, saying: The daylight's heaven domed azurePlace the turquoise back on the altar. Next pass each piece of carnelian (one by one) over the fire. Sipping from your glass of wine or juice, make a toast to the past, present and future souls with each carnelian. Make a toast to the souls who have passed with the first piece ofcarnelian by saying: What once upon the seas was castToast the souls of the present with the second carnelian, saying: In life is change and spirits growMake a toast to those yet unborn with the third carnelian, saying: What's been before remains unbendingNow pick up the citrine, and pass it over the fire, saying: In golden warmth we touch the sunNext pick up the moonstone, and pass it over the fire, saying: Our sister moon presents reflection,Allow the candle to safely burn down during the night. The following morning, the food and drink can be returned to the earth as an offering to the God or Goddess. As you do so, say: I make this offering to (Goddess name)Keep your Samhain gemstones in a place of honor where they will be undisturbed. Use them again next year, but be sure to clean them of energies before the next ritual use. This ritual has been reproduced with permission from Visit Amerindea's website for magic spells for every occasion! |
Monday, September 26, 2011
New Moon Prosperity Spell
Stone of Luck
You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc. The key to this empowerment is consentration and belief. When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you. Eventually you will start to get what you want. This spell has been proven to work.
What you need:
- 1 Small stone of your choice (any kind)
1 candle (correct color for what you want)
Appropriate herbs
Appropriate incense
A cloth
Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint)
Some bowls (glass or crystal)
- The Spell:
There are no words for this spell, it's all consentration and visualization. First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love, better health....whatever you want. After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the spell.
Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you need with you.) Hold the rock in your power hand. Consentrate on what you want. Run the rock throught the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water. Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it. After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what you want. Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl. Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Consentrate more. Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours. Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose the water. So mote it be!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Fall Equinox
"Today is the Fall Equinox. It is the time of year when the day and night share 'equal' time. As we shift into the Fall, we are reminded to harvest the abundance of the seeds planted earlier in the year.
New friendships, opportunities and financial gains are often expanded and prosper as we appreciate the love that is already in our lives. Remember being loving and happy is a choice. It is a state of mind that you can choose even in the darkest of times. When you open your heart to receive greater love your Soul's abundance can flourish and manifest more quickly."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Mabon - A Time of Harmony, Balance and Reaping Rewards
Mabon - A Time of Harmony, Balance and Reaping Rewards
By Alison Yates
Mabon is normally celebrated on the Autumn Equinox September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. Mabon is a Sabbat celebrated by Pagans, Druids and Wiccans. It is the time when both day and night are of equal length. Throughout the ages this significant event marking the Autumn Equinox has been celebrated as a time for thanksgiving and a time to count your blessings.
Mabon is also known as a time of harmony, balance and reaping rewards.
Mabon Ritual
To ensure you don't miss out on the special energies created at this most harmonious time you can try the following Mabon Ritual. This is aimed to rid negativity and promote positivity that will allow you good fortune, renewed health, prosperity and happiness.
You will need:
Light coloured candle
Flame proof dish
piece of dark coloured paper
piece of light coloured paper
light coloured envelope
Gold pen
pinch of Salt
pinch of Thyme
At dusk on the Autumn Equinox light the candle. With the gold pen write out carefully three things you wish to rid from your life on the dark coloured paper. These could be things like 'poverty', 'loneliness', 'poor self esteem' etc. Take the pinch of salt and sprinkle on the flame of the candle. Now carefully set alight the dark coloured paper from the flame of the candle and let it burn in the flameproof dish.
Next, write out carefully on the light coloured paper three things you wish to enter your life over the coming year. These could be things like 'abundant wealth', 'vibrant health', 'true love' etc. Fold the paper three times and place in the envelope.
Take the pinch of Thyme and sprinkle over the flame of the candle. Carefully drip some of candle wax from the lit candle onto the back of the envelope to form a symbolic seal. Next blow out the candle and focus on the things you most want to enter your life. Place the sealed envelope under your pillow and with luck, love and light your wishes should be granted within a year and a day.
Your deepest wishes and wildest dreams can really come true by harnessing the powerful and positive energies of Mabon Magic.Mabon Incense Recipe
3 parts Frankincense2 parts Myrrh
1 part Rosemary
1 part Cedar1 part JuniperMabon Articles, Recipes & Spells
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Using you subconscious to help with your spell work
Our brains operate on two levels - conscious and subconscious.
Your conscious mind deals with day to day stuff like speech and movement.
Your subconscious mind is the more powerful level which controls things like your heart beat, breathing and reflexes.
It is also the link to your spirit and your inner energy and power.
Studies have shown that different combinations of brainwave frequencies can cause specific reactions in the brain.
By listening to specially crafted music and sounds, you can "tune" your brain into a particular frequency to stimulate your sub-conscious.
These sounds are called "Binaural beats".
But how does this all relate to magic and witchcraft? Well...
It's all about using the power of your mind to help you achieve your goals.
By tuning your brain and stimulating certain innate abilities, you can unlock the hidden power of your subconscious mind...
Which means greater magic, stronger power and more effective spells, along with a whole host of other incredible effects.
So here's that resource I wanted to share:
What are the sort of things you can achieve using binaural beats?
+ Astral Projection
+ Past Life Regression
+ Remote Viewing
+ Spirit Guidance
+ Increased Energy
+ Lucid Dreaming
+ Chakra Tuning
+ And much much more...
It's all explained at the link above. You can even get free samples to try out and feel the effects immediately.
You are already using magic to achieve your life goals, and now you can use a combination of magic and binaural beats for greater success.
Binaural beats fill a gap in what magic can achieve on its own, and they perfectly complement spells to help you achieve your goals and experience a genuine shift in consciousness.
Check out the link and the free samples and see for yourself how powerful they are.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
More On Frequencies
The free listening
Click play on each audio player to hear the full albums, and click on the album titles below to learn about each different brainwave entrainment (the links will open in a new window) -
7.83 Hz Schumann Frequency – Tune into the frequency of earth – the Schumann Resonance at 7.83 Hz as well as 10 hz to encourage production of “Feel Good” brain chemicals. Also known as the heartbeat of Earth, b benefits of listening include enhanced reading/learning, rejuvenation, grounding, ESP activation, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control and improved stress tolerance. It can also help you feel balanced, grounded, whilst calming and focusing the mind.
7.5 Hz Spirit Guide – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 7.5 Hz as well as 10.5 Hz for mind/body healing. The 7.5 Hz frequency is said to be perfect to contact spirit guides for direction, as well as creativity, problem solving, awareness of self and purpose, and even help with alcohol and drug addiction.
6.3 Hz Calm Mind – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 6.3 Hz as well as 12 Hz for stimulating mental clarity and stability. The 6.3 Hz frequency is said to be perfect for reducing anger and irritability, as well as accelerated learning, increased memory retention and even mental and astral projection.
The free listening
Click play on each audio player to hear the full albums, and click on the album titles below to learn about each different brainwave entrainment (the links will open in a new window) -
7.83 Hz Schumann Frequency – Tune into the frequency of earth – the Schumann Resonance at 7.83 Hz as well as 10 hz to encourage production of “Feel Good” brain chemicals. Also known as the heartbeat of Earth, b benefits of listening include enhanced reading/learning, rejuvenation, grounding, ESP activation, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control and improved stress tolerance. It can also help you feel balanced, grounded, whilst calming and focusing the mind.
You probably do not have the Flash Player installed for your browser or the audio files are misplaced on the server!
7.5 Hz Spirit Guide – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 7.5 Hz as well as 10.5 Hz for mind/body healing. The 7.5 Hz frequency is said to be perfect to contact spirit guides for direction, as well as creativity, problem solving, awareness of self and purpose, and even help with alcohol and drug addiction.
You probably do not have the Flash Player installed for your browser or the audio files are misplaced on the server!
6.3 Hz Calm Mind – The brainwave entrainment focuses mainly on the theta level of 6.3 Hz as well as 12 Hz for stimulating mental clarity and stability. The 6.3 Hz frequency is said to be perfect for reducing anger and irritability, as well as accelerated learning, increased memory retention and even mental and astral projection.
You probably do not have the Flash Player installed for your browser or the audio files are misplaced on the server!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Celebrating with the Seasons
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Celebrating with the Seasons A reader says, "You recently posted a bunch of stuff about Litha, and said that everyone's gardens were blooming. Well, you should try to remember that not everyone lives in the same area. Where I am, my garden is just now getting started. I wish you and all the other Pagan writers would try to think of the rest of us who don't live where you do." Well, shoot, you got us. It's all part of a nefarious plot in which we only acknowledge people who live along a particular climate line. On the other hand, it could be that... Read Article | |
What to Take to a Pagan Festival It's summer, which means that there are Pagan festivals all over the place right now - pretty much any weekend, in any given area, you can find at least one event you'll want to attend, especially as the various Sabbats role around. Reader Josie Whales wants to know, "I'm going to a weekend-long Pagan campout and I'm really excited, because it's my first one. I know I need to bring a sleeping bag and some food, but what else should I take along with me?" Read Article |
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