Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mabon - A Time of Harmony, Balance and Reaping Rewards

Mabon - A Time of Harmony, Balance and Reaping Rewards
By Alison Yates
Mabon is normally celebrated on the Autumn Equinox September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. Mabon is a Sabbat celebrated by Pagans, Druids and Wiccans. It is the time when both day and night are of equal length. Throughout the ages this significant event marking the Autumn Equinox has been celebrated as a time for thanksgiving and a time to count your blessings.
Mabon is also known as a time of harmony, balance and reaping rewards.
Mabon Ritual
To ensure you don't miss out on the special energies created at this most harmonious time you can try the following Mabon Ritual. This is aimed to rid negativity and promote positivity that will allow you good fortune, renewed health, prosperity and happiness.
You will need:
Light coloured candle
Flame proof dish
piece of dark coloured paper
piece of light coloured paper
light coloured envelope
Gold pen
pinch of Salt
pinch of Thyme

At dusk on the Autumn Equinox light the candle. With the gold pen write out carefully three things you wish to rid from your life on the dark coloured paper. These could be things like 'poverty', 'loneliness', 'poor self esteem' etc. Take the pinch of salt and sprinkle on the flame of the candle. Now carefully set alight the dark coloured paper from the flame of the candle and let it burn in the flameproof dish.
Next, write out carefully on the light coloured paper three things you wish to enter your life over the coming year. These could be things like 'abundant wealth', 'vibrant health', 'true love' etc. Fold the paper three times and place in the envelope.
Take the pinch of Thyme and sprinkle over the flame of the candle. Carefully drip some of candle wax from the lit candle onto the back of the envelope to form a symbolic seal. Next blow out the candle and focus on the things you most want to enter your life. Place the sealed envelope under your pillow and with luck, love and light your wishes should be granted within a year and a day.
Your deepest wishes and wildest dreams can really come true by harnessing the powerful and positive energies of Mabon Magic.
Mabon Incense Recipe
3 parts Frankincense2 parts Myrrh
1 part Rosemary
1 part Cedar1 part Juniper
Mabon Articles, Recipes &  Spells


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