Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beltane Celebration Ritual

Beltane / Beltaine

30th April / 1st May

The beginning of Summer - Summer is a comin in !
Beltane was an important festival in the Celtic calendar. The name originates from the Celtic god, Bel - the 'bright one', and the Gaelic word 'teine' meaning fire, giving the name 'bealttainn', meaning 'bright fire'.
This is the beginning of the 'lighted half' of the year when the Sun begins to set later in the evening and the hawthorn blossoms. To our ancestors Beltane was the coming of summer and fertility. Nature is in bloom and the earth is full of fecundity and life.

Items: wine (grape juice if you're under age), sweet cakes, salt, four Quarter candles, incense (any sweet and pleasant odors), ritual cup, ritual dagger, purple candle (representing the Moon), yellow candle (representing the Sun), two red candles (symbolizing the Beltane fire and the Oak King).
Your altar should be facing south in honor of Fire. Be in a joyful mood when performing this rite.
STEP 1: Pick up your cup of water and hold it high above your purple (Moon) candle. Sprinkle a little salt into the water, and then walk clockwise about your Circle area saying:
"I cleanse and purify this Circle with water the blood of life. So mote it be!"
STEP 2: Return to altar and replace the cup. Light your incense. Pick up the stick or censer and hold it high above your yellow (Sun) candle. Then walk clockwise about your Circle saying:
"I consecrate and cleanse this Circle with the fire of the heat of day. So mote it be!"
STEP 3: Return to altar as before and replace the censer. Stand before the altar and say with all your heart:
"Today (tonight) is a day (night) of celebration and love. Be there peace between men and women. Anger and hate are but foolish games. Love and life are the gods' sacred gifts this day."
STEP 4: Trace a white circle three times about the Circle area and say:
"I trace this Circle as a boundary between the realms of man and the hidden worlds of the gods. This place is hidden in truth. Here I can practice my rites in safety and power."
STEP 5: Call the four Quarters, beginning in the east moving clockwise. Be sure that you light your Quarter candles after you call the elementals and extinguish them after the elementals leave.
Invocation to the East:
"Hail creatures of Air, bodies of heat and moisture!
Come, oh gentle eastern breath, come here and join my Circle.
Bring sounds of joy and laughter, oh sylphs of friendly winds.
Stand and watch this eastern Quarter and let no evil come near.
So mote it be!"
Invocation to the South:
"Hail creatures of Fire, bodies of flame and light!
Come, oh gentle warmth, come here and join my Circle.
Bring strength and energy, oh salamanders of flame.
Stand and watch this southern Quarter and let no evil come near.
So mote it be!"
Invocation to the West:
"Hail creatures of Water, bodies of crystal blue seas!
Come, oh gentle waves of love, come here and join my Circle.
Bring compassion and peace, on calm waters.
Stand and watch this western Quarter and let no evil come near.
So mote it be!"
Invocation to the North:
"Hail creatures of Earth, bodies of gemstone splendor!
Come, oh builders of form, come and join my Circle.
Bring beauty and fertility, oh gnomes of deep caverns.
Stand and watch this northern Quarter and let no evil come near.
So mote it be!"
STEP 6: Go to the east and imagine a light-blue colored sphere glowing and alive. Feel soft winds emanate from the blue sphere.
STEP 7: Move to the south and imagine a bright red triangle. Feel the controlled strength that plays as the lightning in a dark night sky.
STEP 8: Move to the west and see a shimmering silver crescent moon. Imagine yourself standing before a mighty ocean, taste the salty sea air. Feel the cool ebb move with laughing passion.
STEP 9: Move to the north and see a bold yellowish square. Imagine a landscape of strong stone mountains. Feel the foundation of life; it's rich fertile fields of darkened stability.
STEP 10: Move to the center of your Circle. Be sure that your incense is still burning. See a soft healing white light pour down upon your body, through your chakra and organs. Call the God and Goddess.
Light the purple candle after calling the Goddess.
Light the yellow candle after calling the God.
STEP 11: Stand facing the east and say:
"Time cannot stop, the year must continue to change!
Oh Goddess, embrace your mate, the Oak King. "
STEP 12: Light the red candle and say:
"The Lord has come and joined my Lady, the bonfire burns strong.
Soon they shall join in heated passion, filling the earth with life and laughter."
STEP 13: Raise your cup of wine (or grape juice) in your hand and say:
"Blessed be this sacred wine, this womb and cup of life.
May it fill my soul, giving me strength of heart and knowledge of my Lady's secret ways.
So mote it be!"
STEP 14: Set down your ritual cup in the center of your altar. Pick up your ritual dagger and pierce the wine and say:
"As the man is to the woman.
So this blade is to the cup!"
STEP 15: Raise your plate of cakes and say:
"Blessed be this sacred bread of life!"
Then consume the bread and wine, or juice.
STEP 16: Move to your altar (where your red candle is) and say:
"This candle represents the hopes and dreams I want to manifest.
Charge this candle, oh God and Goddess that it may bring to me my wishes and needs.
So mote it be!"
STEP 17: Now sit quietly and visualize on what you wish to attract into your life over the summer. Be it love, wealth, a job, or something else ...
STEP 18: Now dismiss the Lord and Lady, and the quarters ... and close your circle.


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